
My Little Firecracker

opposites attract
kickass heroine
Writing Academy

Amyra Singh, a journalist is on a secret mission to find out the background of the famous Billionaire. She ignores it at first but as soon as she finds out the connection between him and the undercover project she's been working on, her interests grew. Will she be able to discover his secret ? Will she be able to do her job ? Will she be able to dodge all the obstacles that are about to make their appearance? Will her perseverance lands her in trouble?

Join Amyra Singh in her life's most important and interesting journey to see how she finds love on her way which turns her already crooked world upside down !!!

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Chapter 1
"f**k" "Shhhhh" "Not me!" "Guys, shut up before we get caught" "You mean before we get killed!!" "Arsh?" "Yeah" "Shut up!" I heard him huff but he kept his trap shut. We rushed towards the dirty rooms without doors, apart from a worn out curtains barely covering the small rooms. Strong pungent odor of drugs filled my nostrils, I covered my nose before I could cough or puke. "Val, my toes" I heard Arsh yell. God this guy! we will get caught for sure. "Sorry, baby doll" I heard her reply and rolled my eyes as I could predict what’s going to happen next. "Wha--" "Are you guys forgetting why we are here in the first place? You do have any idea what will happen if we get caught?" "I know, but this b***h doesn't" Arsh said. "Did you just call me a b***h, Shithead!" Valerie replied. I sighed. Why god? Why? Oh! Sorry! Where are my manners? Let me introduce myself! I'm Amyra Singh, a journalist(undercover) by profession. I'm 23 years old dwelling with my sweet and joint family. Right now, I'm on a mission with my colleagues/friends who are irritating as hell and not to forget we are in this greasy area where teenagers are kidnapped, drugged and used as prostitutes. I know, just by thinking about it freezes every freaking bone in my body. Harshad Saxena, my boss and owner of "PEOPLE" TV news channel gave me this project. I know it’s a weird name but when we ask him the reason he says 'My channel is dedicated to the people, for the people, by the people'. Yeah, he's a bit dramatic. I've been working on this project for 6 months now and at last we found a clue. Every time I get information about these people's work, I feel sick and disgusting looking at how low human race can get to earn status and money by torturing teen girls, abusing them. The reports on innocent, sweet girls getting kidnapped and the hopeful look on their parents that they will find them soon makes me what to pull trigger on each and every bastard involved in this dirty work. We got a news that this gang is residing in this place and using it to keep girls in here. So here we are. "Guys" I rose my voice as I saw a young girl lying on the dirty floor, under the sink beside the bed. My idiotic friends rushed behind me as I gathered the girl in my arms. I shook her but she wasn't in a state to respond. There were several syringe bruises on her hands making me cringe. They confirmed my suspicion, she was overdosed. "We should take her pictures and interview her" came Arsh's ever so idiotic words. "Shut the f**k up! Help me carry her, we need to get her out of here" I whisper yelled, getting irritated by his words. "But the news-" "Don't be heartless Arsh, we need to save her. I don't care about news right now" I said getting agitated. "Amy, stop getting emotional. You want to save her, I get it, even I want too but she's not the only one captured over here. There are thousands of girls who need to be rescued. If we don't collect evidence now, we won't get any lead to catch them" I contemplated for a second. He's right. "Let's do one thing, one of us will stay here and collect evidence and other two will take this girl to the hospital" Valerie suggested. "I will get the evidence, you both take her and not to any other hospital. If this news gets viral we will lose the chance of catching the gang" I said passing the girl into Valerie's arms. "But Amy, it’s dangerous!!" Arsh intervened. "No Arsh, not now. Do as I say! Get out of here before anyone see’s and you guys know where to take her, right?" They nodded solemnly getting the inner meaning of my words. "Call us once you get out of here" Arsh said passing me his camera. Nodding, I walked off. I steadily moved to the other side of the building, where shipment of some goods was going on. I clicked as much as pictures as I can. I saw that all the boxes were of same shape and size, which felt odd but what I saw next drained the color of my face. I saw the boxes move, I heard a whimper and as soon as it was out, a burly guy poked a stick into the hole on the top of the box and moved it violently. My heart soared as the whimper stopped but I was sure the girl inside was badly bruised. My fingers clenched into fist feeling angry at my helplessness. If I inform the police about this place, sure they will get caught but this is not the only place where they do this. There are many places, especially in Mumbai. I fear, if I let this people get caught then they will ship the girls to other countries and we won't be able to catch the leader of this gang or rescue other girls. I took the picture of those boxes and all the workers had this weird tattoo on their left arm, which I took a snap off. I hid behind the wall when I saw that burly guy turn my way, but it was too late. "HEY" "WHOSE THERE?" "THERE'S SOMEONE, BRING THEM TO ME DEAD OR ALIVE I DON'T CARE" My heart lurched at his words, I turned and started running. I ran towards the side of the building, I turned around to look whether someone is following me or not but suddenly someone held my arm and pulled me aside. I opened my mouth to scream but before I could, a cold hand covered it. I opened my eyes only to stare at a pair of fascinating black orbs, I was pressed against the wall and he stood holding me in place. I could see his shaped eyebrows, structured nose and suddenly felt sad as I couldn't see his lips, which he had covered with a black cloth and his hoodie covered half his face. I saw few guys run from my peripheral sight, they couldn't see us because we were stuck in a small space between the walls. He slowly removed his hand from my lips. I was captivated by his eyes, they were so dark and mysterious. I can feel my hands itching to remove his hoodie and take a look at his face but before I could, "Get out of here" his sexy, manly, husky voice shook my core and left me stranded in my place. I watched him disappear into the darkness, like a ghost.   

Dreame-Editor's pick


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