+CHAPTER 12+ Wifey Tantrums

1736 Words

"Why would you tell them that we are going to get married?" Sky screamed at Marek then winced when the act pained her bruised ribs. "I told them the truth." Marek's response made Sky more furious. "And what makes you think that I'm going to marry you?" Sky screeched. "That's how things work in my world Sky. You find your bride and then you complete the mating ritual-- I mean you marry her." Marek tried to reach for Sky but she stepped away from his reach. "I don't know about your world Marek but in my world, you can't marry someone you don't even know for a month." Sky pulled at her hairs with her good hand like a manic. She looked at her plastered arm in annoyance. She was broken, bandaged and hurt both physically and mentally... "I told them the truth Sky, and I don't regret it.

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