+CHAPTER 6+ No More Running Little Bride

1301 Words
Sky was an i***t to agree to meet her ex in a restaurant. She knows what he wants and she f*****g can't give that to him. 'f**k you! f**k you for falling in his trap again.' Sky growled at her own self. She can believe how easily she had been manipulated by David again. Sky glared at the son of a b***h who was looking at her with a smug look on his face and why wouldn't he? He had Sky where he wanted her, wrapped around his fingers and he did not have an ounce of shame at all the s**t he was putting Sky through. "I have a proposal for you Sky. And I want you to think about it. I want you to remain loyal to me until I end things with Hazel." David declared while casually leaning forward as if he was discussing the weather with Sky. "What the f**k are you talking about David? Hazel is my f*****g sister. How can you even propose something like that to me? Even if she wasn't my sister I would never have ruined someone's life for my own happiness. And by the way, let me modify that sentence, you are no more related to my happiness. You are a f*****g headache for me." Sky scoffed. The time has gone when she used to have butterflies in my stomach while looking at David. Now looking at him only gives her high blood pressure. David didn't even flinch at her words. He grabbed her hand in his hand from across the table. "I was too blind to see that before Sky. I was an i***t to choose her over you. I was wrong Hazel is not perfect. You are perfect." Sky felt only disgust for the man sitting across her. David's touch was making her skin crawl. 'How could she have loved a selfish man like him?' Sky thought in contempt. "Look David what was between us ended the day you f****d my step sister. And the only reason I came here to meet you today is to warn you to stay away from me. We are done and from today we owe nothing to each other, no apologies and no loyalties." When Sky tried to pull her hand from his grip he tightened his hold almost painfully. "Are you f*****g someone else?" David raised his voice to a point that they had everyone's attention on them now. Sky turned beet red. For an outsider, it looks like Sky and David were a couple and Sky had cheated on him. Sky wanted to shrink in her seat, she wanted to hide from the people's judging stares. But Sky did the opposite. "That's none of your business who I f**k or sleep with. We are not married and I think you have forgotten that you are married to my sister bastard!" Sky raise her voice too. She had broken the tradition of silence finally~ It felt so good. . . David flinched but not from her words, his eyes darted towards the people who were giving him judging looks now. Sky felt so good. She had turned the tables on David. Serves him right. The Bastard deserved that and much more. If he thought that by publicly humiliating her he was going to intimidate her then he had another thing coming his way. Sky was not the naive girl he used to manipulate in the past anymore. Things have been changed now. When Sky stood from her chair to leave, to buffy arms suddenly tightened around her small form from behind. The arms turn her around and Sky looked in the eyes of the person she thought she was going to avoid for the rest of her days. Orange orbs with flickers of black color were staring down at her. There he was Marek Draco in all his glory. Could her day go any worse than this..? His left hand circled around Sky's waist, while his right hand slid up to the back of her neck, his fingers tangling in her hairs. Marek opened his mouth before closing it again with a silent look of frustration on his face as if he was searching for the right words. Finally, his mouth came crashing down to Sky's lips. Sky didn't know what possessed her body because instead of pushing him away she pulled him close, their lips moved gently. A shiver developed on her spine. Her skin came alive with goosebumps and her core throbbed. Marek's soft kiss soon turned dominant and fierce. It felt like Marek was staking his claim on Sky. Branding his name on her soul. His tongue swept across her lower lip, demanding what he wanted, entrance into her mouth. Sky gave it to his demand, feeling his tongue clashing against hers. He tasted like mint. She let him explore every spot he wanted in her mouth. The warmth of his desire and lust washed over her. His body was familiar, his touch felt familiar. He tasted and nipped at her lips, bruising them. Sky bit on his bottom lip, holding it between her teeth before sucking on it, hard. Which earned her a wicked growl from Marek. He coaxed her tongue in her mouth once more, licking and kissing her with a passion that Sky was unable to match. His movements were rough and aggressive as if he wanted every male present there to know to whom Sky belonged. Soon his fang elongated. Wait what? Fangs?? A groan released from Marek's chest, his hold on Sky impossibility tightened. His hard shaft pressed against her belly, making her shudder. Sky inhaled his scent. It was uniquely him. Spice, woods and something else that she had never smelled before. It was addicting~ Fuck! Sky felt as if she was high on drugs. Marek knew how to make a female's body sing for him. Sky didn't know how long she had stood in his embrace. The time seemed to stop for them. Marek had not uttered a single word from his lips but he said everything he had to say, all of his words, his thoughts and emotions were expressed in his kiss. Desire Frustration Jealousy Passion Sky had felt them all. When he released Sky, she was breathing heavily. He seems satisfied with her response but at the same time, his hunger was still transparent, shimmering right beneath the surface. Releasing his hold, his step back. They both stared at each other for a long moment. His fists were clenched in restraint. As if he was trying not to pull her in his embrace again. Sky was shocked. . . She looked at David. He was looking at them with a gaped mouth. Like a fish out of water. His eyes were literally coming out of his eye sockets. 'You b***h! So he's the reason behind you wanting to end things with me?" David accused. Sky wanted to remind David that he was a f*****g married man but the moment those words left David's mouth, Marek lounged at him, punching the s**t out of him. A sickening c***k echoed in the posh restaurant. David was sprawled on the floor, blood was coming out of his nose. His left arm was bent at an awkward angle. Sky gasped at Marek in horror. Marek's eyes snapped towards Sky when she picked her purse and tried to escape. Living the bleeding David on the floor Marek was at her side in an instant. "No more running little bride." Marek snarled. Sky's breath hitched~ He did not sound like Marek. It seems like someone had possessed his body. "Who are you?" Sky knew it was stupid but the question slipped out of Sky's tongue automatically. "Soon you will know little bride, soon. . ."
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