+CHAPTER 20+ Can't Leave

1480 Words

The door of Sky's apartment opened with a bang.  Sky's head snapped in its direction. Marek was standing there in a semiconscious state. A scream escaped from Sky's lips at his appearance. Blood was all over him, some dried blood and some still flowing out of his chest. Getting up from the sofa Sky stumbled towards Marek in horror. It was then she noticed a man standing behind Marek, holding him so he won't fall on his face. "What happened to him?" Sky questioned. Sky gasped at Marek's wounds when she got a close look at them. It was like his chest was slashed open by a bear claw. The blood oozing out of his wound almost made her gag. Not to mention the heavy coppery smell of blood that was making her dizzy. "Don't have time for this my Queen, please step aside." When Sky didn't mo

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