+CHAPTER 17+ Baby Making Device

1527 Words

"So technically I'm going to be your Queen?" Sky asked Cage. She barely contained herself from saying 'Bow down bitches I'm the Queen here.' The thought of being a Queen was making her all excited. "Yes, Marek is our King that will make you our Queen." Cage replied while watching Netflix on his phone. He was a very attractive man. He was giant too but not as giant as Marek. His short brown hair was combed backward. God! Why do all the Dragon males have a physique of Greek Gods? "But there might be a chance of you not being the Queen." Cage mumbled looking up from his phone for a moment. "Why?" Sky asked while taking a sip of her wine. She had offered Cage wine too but he had declined her offer by saying that it takes more than a bottle for him to get drunk. And after that Sky had

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