Bizarre Friend

3486 Words

“Fine, let me hear your offer. So long that it’s as you say, not excessive and can also benefit me, I’m willing to listen”. That much receptiveness Zax agreed to give Carl. “Hahaha…” If the two were any closer, Carl would have pat Zax on the back. “You won’t regret it, well… only if you’ll disagree, but that will be after a long time, when you’ll realize your mistake”. Carl phrased himself sensibly to not make it sound as if he was threating Zax and also to plant the seed of doubt in the content of disagreement. This was definitely an acquired virtue to his personality, something that only years of expectance could foster. “My offer is quite simple. Let’s form companionship in the Savage Cave”. Carl held up two fingers and crossed them, smiling. “Companionship?” Zax echoed. “Indeed”. C

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