Finding Out

1928 Words

“No wonder this man was the first to awake from his batch, despite being there others in a higher realm”. Head Guard Umber remarked. “However, you can see from his disposition that his soul, if not weaker, then for now at least is in a weakened state. Mark with the leftover thongs”. “You can’t kill him or anyone we brought”. Sergeant Heyxin could not prevent the intensifying cruelty in punishment; securing Zax’s life was the utmost her role as an absorber permitted her to do. Besides, she was piqued by his spikes in strength whenever his mood changed and was curious to test his limit, if it can eliminate him as the Infernal Immortal’s prospect. “Begin!” Head Guard Umber ignored Sergeant Heyxin and ordered. Guard Chou Ferk waved his arm, redirecting the alignment of the thongs with the m

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