The Five Oceans

2377 Words

“Calling for tying and ignoring Bin Bin for the rest of the journey to the Eastern Continent, all who agree say ‘aye’!” Enderta, the Blood Claws Hound beast, peached in – though she did prefer to beat Bin Bin to unconsciousness and drag him by a rope, a very long rope. “Aye!” “Aye!” “Aye!” “Aye!” “Aye!” “Aye!” “Aye!” Even Liminton concurred, treating it as a compromise to the previously beating suggestion. “Nay!” Bin Bin yelled, thinking of retreat but remembered that he is currently hanging on Liminton for his dear life. Aggrieved, he sucked in a deep breath in shock, though it only was his own mist energy, and started shedding crocodile tears. “Uncle Liminton, I can’t believe that you will betray me, your ONLY nephew, like this. My heart is shattered to countless pieces. You mig

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