Lensi And Zel

1974 Words

“Four years”. Supreme Ruler Ar Yen closed and got up from his seat along with the five humans and beast by his sides. Four years was the time given to complete the project “Back To The Blue Sky”. Back To The Blue Sky, in its competition, any citizen of Kingdom Earth will have the freedom to wander from New Earth to Ercas Mir. It was divided to four phases, each having the span of a year to conclude, each supervised by an administration of eighteen of the seventy two honored men and women, plus a Supreme Ruler, past and current. Only the first phase would include one more person and it would be Huland, who will help Gid Chu and the other eighteen lay the groundwork in Selivereb. As for Zax’s part in the project? Well, nothing that requires actual time or effort. His deterring presence i

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