Not A Coward And Overly Brave

1972 Words

Zax looked at his hand, sensing the mild flow of mist energy through the mist channels. He could clarify every question about cultivation by the simple action of purifying some mist energy and infusing it to Professor Vonduver. At his current, weakened condition, he could temper the old man’s three aspects to the Peak of a D ranked Earth’s Core Holder or possibly the Core Breaker level. Then again, unlike bodily vitality, which he can get from food, though if it would be regular food it will require an immense quantity, and unlike soul energy, which he can replenish solely by rest… without being able to absorbed worldly attribute or elemental energies or refine cultivation resources, the more he will use his mist energy the faster his dantian would be spent and stayed empty so long that h

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