A Trade 2

1807 Words

The flight was smoother than any aircraft in New Earth and Ercas Mir. Zax sat at the back of the plane with Nisan and Professor Vonduver. Tinya and Euker were in the middle of the plane and Boijent in a seat at the front. As for the cockpit, it was empty. The plane was flying with on automatic pilot – Nisan bragged that he could fly the plane himself, but then why did he spent five billions Ketis for a state of the art machinery? Apart from the six, there was a maid robot, another exuberant purchase, who diligently served the passengers. “Everything is in order. Your family and your interns’ families will be okay. Just think of it a long term project for a year or two. I promise that afterwards you’ll be able to return home and nobody will dare to lift a finger against you”. Nisan rec

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