Being Friendly

1879 Words

"Don't any of you dare lay a finger on this woman!" An enraged voice uttered behind the trio of mother and her two children. Ottora, Konney and Racheal swiftly turned to Kindel. “Gui Du Kindel, I think you overstayed you welcome!” Konney grumbled. “Konney!” Ottora muttered through pursed lips. Last thing that they need, just as they had been struck by the opportunity to expand, is to make an enemy of a Gui Du. “Please forgive my son’s misconduct. I’m afraid he is a little infatuated with Boijent and forgot his mannerism”. To the side, Racheal mustered all of her self discipline to not wear her opinion on her face, the jealousy and resentment for Boijent. “I don’t care”. Kindel coldly said. “You won’t kill or have your way with this woman!” Ottora was displeased by Kindel’s disregar

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