Weak And Isolated

1901 Words

“Why-” Zax opened to ask. Contrary to when he first arrived to the Rakmon Penitentiary Star, Zax was not as reserved anymore, especially after the enlightenment he regained before treating Nulivs. Now, although still a shell, he was bit by bit integrating with a will that leads to releasing the sea of emotions that leads to his true self and ultimately Infernal state. Sadly, before he fully pronounced, a pressure that felt like it can split his head hit him. “Preposterous!” Head Guard Umber grunted. “Speaking without getting permission to speak, questioning as if you are a free man. C ranked prisoner Zax, I recommend you to behave”. Before Zax could even think of stating his compliance, Head Guard Umber’s Heavenly Immortal pressure intensified and he lost consciousness. “Grandpa… Huma

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