
1774 Words

Lior Sikno articulated his greeting with accordance to what he knew of the proper etiquette of New Earth. "What do you want?" As it turned out, his attempt and instinct for self preservation bought him the chance he needed to explain himself – and prolong his life. "Senior Zax, I'm actually like you, a foreign entity to Voltic Star. I serve one of the Immortal powers that are currently outside the Star and through me they want to extend their support for what you trying to achieve here". "And what do they and you think I'm after?" Zax retracted his malevolent aura and Linor heave inwardly. He succeeded to pull him into conversation. "Them, for starters". Linor gestured over the first generation humans and beasts from New Earth. "Or one of them. And if he or she is not here, then wher

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