His Human’s Story

1852 Words

"Survival of the Fittest", the rule with which Violet Star Commander Kitanoriya dominated the Martial path of Voltic Star. Those who cannot abide by this rule will not be discriminate against, but the hardships along their path may cut it short in an abrupt and miserable manner.  “Unfair”, spoke up the human population during the rise of Violet Star Commander Kitanoriya. They occupied a bit more than a third but certainly not a half of Voltic Star, at the time, tens of millions years ago. “There is human blood coursing in your veins, too!” They reminded her. Born to the unification of a Chaoyue type beast for a fatehr and the hybrid mother, of unification between Chaoyue type female beast and a human, she indeed had a quarter of human blood in her. “Tainted blood”, Violet Star Commander

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