End Of A Forty Five Years Journey

1854 Words

“I thought you were attacking the Martial Mortal’s bottleneck!”  Zechariah stared astonished at Yimin, and he was not alone with a dumbfounded twitch in his eye. Anyone and everyone with a close relationship with Yimin ogled like some sort of freak they could not comprehend, and they had a legitimate reason to do it, too! Fifteen years ago, when he entered closed doors training during the Elemental Gale, Yimin was but a bodily cultivator at the middle of the second realm with a soul and mist cultivation at the Peak of the Core Master realm. After those fifteen years of training, in which only a bit more than four years were spent in cultivation positive environments, Yimin emerged with both bodily and mist cultivations on par with the third Martial Mortal level, a soul equal to a fourth

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