All Parties Converge

2931 Words

“Are they out of their minds?!” Helev Hetra exclaimed. She and Boolian flew side by side in top speed, while not far behind Colonel Rijok wrapped and carried Darvajka and Cattelin in a mantle of red mist energy, since on their own they could not keep up. As for Fengar, he was being carried by Helev Hetra. “So many auras flared and dimmed at the same time, it cannot be a mere struggle between experts. They must have trespassed into a slumbering chamber”. Boolian guessed. “Should we keep going in that direction, Colonel Rijok?” Darvajka hesitatingly asked. Frankly, ever since he broke through the arduous bottleneck to the third realm of Martial Mortals, he regretted taking on this “continuously escalating for the worse” task. Of course, despite not having a direct superior from his Blue S

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