Between The Hammer And The Anvil 2

1748 Words

Maybe it was the urgency, maybe the strain of his Infernal nature’s extremity, maybe something else, but whichever it was, it pushed Zax into a state of enhanced mental acuity that was solely dedicated for unearthing the solution for his predicament. Nevertheless, after reflecting upon numerous unviable ideas, the tension on his slowly emending dented soul halted its recovery completely and this increased the overall pressure. ‘SEE THROUGH!’ He felt like his previous “Tactical retreats” added obstacles upon his Infernal resolve to act as desired, unreservedly, apathetically. But at the end of the day, Infernals are not mindless goons, so they steadfastly set themselves to accomplish hundred percent of their way and sometimes they do, yet other times they have to compromise on eighty, se

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