Battle Of The Strongest

2346 Words

“I AM ZAX ZEL! THE FIRST FIFTH LEVEL MARTIAL MORTAL OF NEW EARTH!” The bellow was deafening and widespread. As it was issued by someone at the epitome of the Mortal’s Martial path, it strived to reach every corner of the world and if it was any other same size planet, it might have succeeded. The powerful sound wave bombarded the water of the ocean below and pushed it down a level, like how it previously happened in the preliminary confrontation between Zax and the Four Wings Stork, only on a smaller scope. The first places to hear his voices, were the settlements near the western coast of Selivereb, following by the southern part of the continent, where Violet Scaled Troops’ Great Cave was situated, its headquarters in Ercas Mir. A portion of the sound wave diminished after passing the

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