Chapter 11

1911 Words
Siena Davies POV It's been three days since I didn't get any call or text from Czar. I think he has moved on. I confessed my feelings to Lisa the day I broke Czar's heart. I love him. FLASHBACK We settled in our room on different couches. Lisa said, "I will go and get for us both hot chocolate." "Okay," I replied. My mind drifted to the memories of Czar while tears falling from my eyes. I said myself, Czar please forgive me for hurting you. It was not my intention to hurt you. I love you. My heart shattered into pieces when I saw hurt in his emerald green eyes. Why did I hurt him? What was his fault? How can I do this to him? How can I be so selfish? Why I didn't care about others feeling? He loves me. He showered me with love, care. I was feeling guilty. God, Please show me a way. Suddenly, my room door slammed open and Lisa entered my room with two mugs of hot chocolate. She passed one to me and sat opposite to me with her mug. "Lisa, What shall I do next? I love him truly. I wanna give this relationship a chance. I'm feeling guilty." I said. "Wait, Let me call him and say to him to meet me now." I was about to call him. But, Lisa stopped me and replied, "Siena, relax first." "Siena, listen to me carefully." "I can see through your eyes, the pain, the love, and the eagerness you have for him. Don't call him right now. He is angry and hurt. Call him tomorrow and explain to him your reason. He deserves to know and he will definitely understand." And Siena, "Forget about your past. In this world, there are men who really love and care for the women they love. They will fight to any extent if the woman is beside him." "Now cheer up. I want my happy Siena back." She said while smiling at me. I smiled at her while sipping my hot chocolate. END OF FLASHBACK The day has arrived. The day I was waiting for. I was overwhelmed that today I will be performing in front of thousands of people. Right now, I'm in my dressing room sitting in front of the mirror-like statue while my hairstylist is styling my hair, her assistant is doing my make-up. A costume designer stepped in and said while smiling at me, "ma'am I placed your dress in the closet." I replied while returning a smile to her, "Okay." and walked away. After a while, my dad, Mr. Henry Evans, and his P.A. entered my room. "Hello Ms. Davies, it's a pleasure to have you here with us and helping us in raising funds for the children welfare." Mr. Evans said. "Mr. Evans, you should thank Mr. Davies, I'm just doing my part." I replied. Mr. Evans thanked my dad and walked away with his assistant. After they left, A volunteer entered in my room and said, "Ms.Davies your performance will begin next in 45 mins. Till then stay in your respective room. I will come again and escort you to the stage." "Thank you." I replied while smiling at him. The volunteer returned the smile and walked away. I turned towards my dad and said, "Hey, dad." "Hello Honey, So ready for the performance?" "Of course, dad. I'm absolutely ready. and dad, Thank you once again for fulfilling my wish & dream." "Anything for my babygirl." He replied. "Dad come on, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm a grown up strong women." "Honey, whether you like it or not. you will always be my babygirl." I just sighed and said, "Dad, go away. I need to change and look best. The time is running." "Okay, see you on stage, baby girl." Dad replied while kissing my forehead and walked away. After dad left, a beautiful girl walked in with a volunteer. She was looking stunning and beautiful but has a average height. "Ms. Davies, Meet Catherine Perez. She is performing tonight and helping us in the fundraiser." "Oh, Hi! I'm Siena Davies. Nice to meet you." I said while forwarding my hand for a shake. Instead of shaking my hand. she hugged me tightly. I said, "Catherine, can't able to breathe." "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm kind of a big hugger." "No problem." I replied. "So, are you excited?" I asked. "Yes, but bit nervous." Catherine replied. "Umm, Don't worry. you will do great. I believe in you." I said. My mind is telling me that something is strange about this girl. "Hey, can we exchange numbers? I'm really bonded with you. Like we are soul sisters." She said. "Yeah, here take my phone." I replied while giving her my phone. and in return she passed her phone. We both exchanged numbers and passed our phones each other. Volunteer coughed and said, "Ms. Davies and Ms. Perez we'are running late." "Oh, My apologies, we will get ready ASAP. Don't worry." we replied in unison. "I will come back again." He replied and walked away. ------------------------- "Ms. Perez, are you ready?" The stage head asked. "Yes," Catherine replied. "Hey, all the best. Rock it." I said. "Thanks.It means a lot." She replied while hugging and walked towards the stage. I want to see her performance. I'm also ready. So, I headed towards the stage. I stood far away, where I could see her. She started singing "Love me harder" song. "Tell me something, I need to know Then Take my breath and never let it go..." . . . Wow, She is super talented. Her voice is like an ocean wave, pleasant and calming. After a while, The song ended and she sang another song "Breathin." The song is mesmerizing and breathtaking. "Some days, things just take way too much of my energy I look up and the whole room's spinning..." . . . . After the while, the song ended. She bowed down and thanked each and everyone. She said, "I forgot to say one more thing, I really want to thank a special person who motivated and inspired me and many others, Ms. Siena Davies." "Thank you so much my soul sister, Siena." She said and bowed down once again and left towards the dressing room. I'm astonished. I met her just now. She thanked me in front of everyone. She believed in me. Who is she really? There is something about her which I need to find out soon. I immediately walked back to my dressing room to talk to her. But she was not there. I asked the volunteer who who walked pass in front of me, "Hey, have you seen Ms. Perez." He replied, "She just left ma'am." "Okay," I said and walked in my room. ---------------------- The host introduced me before I walked towards the stage. She is talented, singer, song-writer, sweet, kind, and organized many fundraiser events. Please welcome Ms. Siena Davies, Editor of Davies Publishing Inc. on to the stage who is going to perform tonight in front you all. When I stepped on the stage and stood in front of the thousands of people. All eyes were on me. On to my left side, I saw my dad, my brothers, my friends, and Aunt Laila who sat in front row. They all smiled and nodded at me. While smiling at them I felt someone's gaze on me. I turned to my right and saw the man you won't believe. Czar Neil Pattinson. He came with four men who wore expensive Armani suits. The four men looked familar to me. Czar gaze was not leaving mine. He was staring at me like I'm his prey. I'm shocked. I was frozen on the spot. My mind is spinning with so many questions at the moment. I shook my head and started singing "Same Old Love." "Take away your things and go You can't take back what you said, I know..." . . . . Suddenly, someone slided my hair to the left side and whispered in my ear, "Si, nice performance, I'm proud of you." I do remember that familiar voice My best friend Ryan Williams. I turned around and hugged him tightly and entwined our fingers and continued singing. "I'm so sick of that same old love, that s**t, it tears me up I'm so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough..." After the song ended, I bowed down and said, "thank you, everyone for the love and support you showed for the fundraiser.we are here to help, love and care for the children. A special thanks to my dad Mr. Alexander Davies for sponsoring the event, donating for the Chrildren's welfare and supporting me." The host requested Mr. Willams to speak a few words. My best friend Ryan spoke a few words. After that the host thanked everyone and said, "The refreshments are outside. Please enjoy and have a good evening." I headed towards the backstage to change into my dress. Suddenly, Ryan called out my name. I stopped in my track and turned around and said, "What? I have to go and change." He stared at me from head to toe and replied, "Si, why you have to change? you look beautiful in this dress." "This is my performance dress. You idiot." I replied. "Oh, okay, by the way did you like my surprise, Si?" he asked. "Yes, a lot. But, How come you are here? you were in Paris." I said. "Yes, I'm here 'cause I'm also part of the fundraiser. My work is completed over there. so, here I'm." "Okay, Okay easy, Williams. Welcome My long lost bestfriend." I replied while hugging him. "Promise me that you won't leave me." "I promise." He replied. My gaze turned to other side and started searching for Czar. But he is not here. I think he left. "Hey, what are you looking at?" Ryan asked. "Nothing, let's go." I replied and started walking toawrds to my family and friends. I said, "Ryan, you join my family while I go and change at meet you at the front door." "Okay," he replied and left. I headed towards my dressing room. After a while, I stepped in and saw a bouquet of red roses and small card attached to it. I took the card out and opened it and started reading it. Hello Babe, I missed you so much. My breathtaking hot babe. You were amazing on the stage. Who is that guy that touched you? Siena, don't make me angry. I don't like any guy near or touching what is mine. I really love you Siena. you're mine. I don't know how to show or express my love to you. I'm a man of few words. Your Lover, Czar. I'm so happy after reading the card. But, his possessiveness never changes. As I promised myself and Lisa that I will give a chance to Czar and explain my reason to him. I have to see him right now. I know he is still here somewhere. I immediately stepped out and headed towards the back door. When I stepped out, It was raining heavily. I was drenched with happiness. I was enjoying myself in the rain. This rain is not the rain I liked before. This rain is different. He is my rainy knight in shining armor. My knight. We both
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