Chapter 7

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Siena Davies POV A few minutes back, Lisa called and said, "Girl, We're going shopping. Meet me at the infinity mall in an hour." "Okay, see ya," I replied and hung the call. We both are shopaholics but, Lisa is more shopaholic girl than me. Now, I was on my way to infinity mall, Listening to Maroon 5 - "One More Night" song on the stereo. Suddenly I got a text on my iPhone. It's from an unknown number. I opened and read the text. Unknown Number: Hey babe, How are you? Did you miss me? I don't know who is texting me, maybe it's a prank. I placed my phone on the passenger seat. Again text from my phone, Unknown Number: answer me, babe. Who is this stupid brat, irritating me in the morning? So, I texted back. Me: Hello, Who is this? Unknown: Babe, Czar here. Me: How did you get my number? Unknown: I have my sources, babe. Me: stop calling me babe, I am not your babe. Unknown: No, you are my babe. I will call you whatever I want. Let's have a coffee? My treat? Me: NO, I'm busy. I am on my way to my office. Unknown: Okay, I will pick you up at 1. We will have lunch together. Me: I cannot meet you. I have other business to finish. Unknown: I will pick you up. I am not telling you. It's an order, babe. I didn't reply to him. I placed it again in the passenger seat. Is he insane? Why he wants me? He can find some other chick right. I am really pissed at him. I will avoid him. After 30 mins, I arrived at infinity mall. I parked my car at the parking lot and hopped out and entered the mall. I called Lisa and asked, "Where are you?" She replied, "I will be there by 5. I'm just two blocks away. "Okay," I said and hung the call. Again, my phone started ringing and on the screen, it showed my brother Hardin's number. I immediately answered the call and said, "Hello, Hardin! What's up?" "Where are you?" He asked. "I'm at the mall waiting for Lisa. She needs my help to buy a few dresses and accessories for her birthday shopping." I replied. "Oh! Enjoy, and Yea, I got information about the guy?" He said. "Well, originally, the guy was working for a client. But the guy betrayed the client and sold the d**g dealing information to the rival g**g. The client knew about it. and the client with the help of a powerful Mafia leader caught the guy and now, the guy is working under the Powerful Mafia Leader. The powerful mafia leader is paying him a triple amount with interest. The guy revealed to the Mafia leader that one lady is trapping him and his g**g. Now, the mafia leader is desperately finding the lady. They don't even know that Ms. Barnard is giving information to the cops and trapping the powerful mafia leader." He replied. "Ms. Barnard is messing with the wrong person. Anyways, What is his name? I asked. "Who?" He asked back. "The Mafia leader," I said. "I don't know." "Sis, it's better if we don't get involved in this. If we go further It will lead us to more danger. and we cannot take the risk. We will stop this investigation right here only." "Okay," I replied with a sigh. "Well, I have to hang the call because I have to attend a meeting. See you at home." He said. "Okay, see ya," I replied and hung the call. Suddenly I heard Someone's familiar voice calling out my name. I turned around and saw Lisa calling out my name and waving at me. She walked towards me. "Hey! girl," I replied. "Hey! cutie," She replied. "So, Shall we hit the stores and empty our credit cards?" She asked. "Of course, Let's go, girl. but, where should we go first?" I asked. "H&M," She said. We headed towards the H&M store. After a few minutes, we stepped into the H&M store. We roamed around the store and Lisa bought a few tank tops, crop tops, leather jackets, a few dresses, and a set of charming bracelets. I bought a leather and denim jacket for myself. We both paid for our respective clothing and walked out of the store. She asked, "where next?" I said, "ZARA." "Okay, Let's go." She said. We headed to the ZARA store, I got for myself a pair of denim floral jeans, a black floral dress, two Lenin cotton jumpsuits, and a few tops. Lisa bought two pairs of nude heels at the store. We paid and walked to another store. And then, another store. till our bank account was empty. I bought for myself a swan charming bracelet from Swarovski. Lisa said, "Siena After you pay for the bracelet. Let's go to the boutique to purchase a cocktail dress." "Okay, girl," I replied. Suddenly my phone started ringing inside my purse. I took it out from my purse and saw my dad's number appearing on the phone screen. I immediately answered the call. "Hey Dad," I said. "Hello honey, I have good news to share with you?" "After three weeks, you are performing at Neon theatre." He said. "What? Are you serious? I can't believe it, dad." I replied. "Yes, dear, it's true. You are performing." He said. "Honey, you always keep us before than yourself. But now, it's about you. not us. You are a talented and great singer. Before you joined our company, you were a singer. and making huge hits in the pop industry. But, because of some circumstances in life, you quitted your singing career. and you fully concentrated as an editor in our company. Actually today morning, I walked to your room to get some important files which Hardin by mistake kept in your room. When I was picking the files, I saw a small diary on your study table. When I opened the diary, it was mentioned Siena's songs. So, I immediately went through the diary and decided that you are missing singing. So, I immediately called one of my best friends who is been in the pop industry for many years. He told me that he will organize a concert for you. I including a few businessmen, Politicians, Celebrities, and record labels are sponsoring." "And another thing honey, I'm also donating the funds to one of the orphanages in London," Dad said. "Great news dad, thank you so much. I'm proud of you. What about my job in the Publishing firm?" I asked. "Honey, you will still work as an editor." "You're a multi-tasking girl. You can manage everything. I trust you." He said. "I will never break your, trust dad, I promise." "Once again thanks, dad. you're the best dad in the whole world." I replied. "I love you, Honey. I will meet you in the evening. Bye." He said. "See ya, Dad," I replied and hung the call. I still can't believe it, Dad did this for me. Lisa asked, "Now what uncle did?" "I'm performing at the neon theatre after three weeks," I replied. "Wow, Girl. That's great news. Congratulations." She replied. "After a long time, I will see my girl performing again." She said. "Yeah," I replied. "I'm hungry," I said. "Me too, There's a restaurant nearby. Let's go there," She said. I nodded. With our shopping bags, we headed to the restaurant next to the mall. We both entered, The manager asked, "Welcome ma'am, How can I help you?" "I want a table for 2 people," Lisa replied. The manager nodded and said, "Follow me, ma'am." We followed him and after a few minutes, we sat in a corner booth. The manager said, "The waiter will be right here in a moment." We nodded and he left. After a while, The waiter came and asked, "I will be the server for you today. What would like to have?" We checked the menu card and I replied, I'll have a chicken grilled sandwich, and some spicy medium fries." The waiter looks at Lisa, "I will have the same as her's," She replied. He nodded and scribbled it down. "Anything else?" "Water," I replied. He nodded and said, "Your food will be here shortly." and walked away. Suddenly, My phone started ringing. I picked it up from my purse and saw an unknown number flashing on the phone screen. I answered the call and said, "Hello?" "Babe, Where are you?" A familiar man's voice speaking from the other side of the line. "I'm at the office," I replied. "Lier, I went to your office, they said you didn't come today." The man replied. "How dare you?" "You started stalking me," I said. "Yes, Is there a problem?" He asked. "Stop Stalking me, you brat. I'm not interested in talking to you." I replied. He said, "I will follow you wherever you go, babe." "I know you went shopping with your friend." "How do you know?" I asked. "No, you no need to tell. I know it." I said. "Can I know with who did you go?" He asked. "I can go with whoever I want, it's none of your business," I replied. "Siena baby, don't test my patience, say it with who did you go," he asked. "Lisa," I replied. "Good, If you hang out with a guy. I will kill him." He said. "You're a possessive and stalker brat," I replied. "Stop calling me." "I hate you." "I don't even know you." "Find some other chick who satisfies your needs and calls you all the time," I replied. "Babe, I'm giving you one minute. Come outside the restaurant. He said. "NO," I said. "Well, I will come inside and drag you out." He said. "Wait, don't, I will come," I replied. "Okay, I'm waiting," he said and cut the call. I stood up, "Where are you going?" Lisa asked. "Czar called and said me to come out. I have to go. I will come back in a few minutes." I replied to her. "Be careful, text me if anything is wrong?" she said. "Sure. I will. I replied and headed towards the main door. I stepped out and saw him leaning against a car. He is handsome as always. He wore a white t-shirt, and a black ripped jeans and leather jacket with black shoes. He's looking ravishingly hot. I can't get my eyes off him. What am I thinking? Siena, what happened to you? He is nothing to you. I snapped from my thoughts and asked, "Ugh! what do you want?" "I missed you," He said while moving close to me and immediately hugged me. I was shocked by the immediate reactions I'm getting through my body. I tried pushing him away. But he hugged me more tightly. I thought to myself, It's no use. "Czar, I can't breathe? Can you please remove your arms around my upper body?" I asked him pleasingly. He moved a bit. His face is close to me. but still, his arms are around my upper body. "Why did you call me?" I asked. "I missed you, babe." He replied. Again that endearment. "Is that it?" I asked. "No, I want to kiss your lips." He replied. "You're insane, Czar. Why can't you leave me alone and find some other chick? I'm not your type." I said irritating tone. "No, the day I saw you, I promised myself that you will be mine," he replied. "You're crazy." "You're cruel." "Forcing me doesn't mean that I will be yours." "When I saw you at that restaurant a few days back, you intimidated me. I was really scared of you. I hated you because you stole my first kiss without asking my permission. I hate you to the core. I will never be with you. I will be with some other guy." I replied looking into his emerald green eyes. He trailed his fingers slowly to my waist and gripped it tightly. I moaned. "Czar, leave me," I said while trying to remove his hands on my waist. "No, say that you are MINE and ONLY MINE." He replied while stressing the word 'MINE'. "Say or else..." I cut him off and said, "or else what?" "I'm not scared of you Mr. Czar Neil Pattinson. I know who you are." "I'm not afraid of darkness. I am the fire." "You will get burned. Don't mess with me." I said boldly. Immediately he removed his left hand and slid his hand inside his pocket to take out something. He got his phone out and called someone. and said directly looking into my eyes, "Kill her Brother." I was frozen. I couldn't stand anymore. I was slipping from his grip but he caught me on time. I started crying, "Czar, Please do- don't d-do i-it, I beg, you," I said while stuttering. "Babe, sssshhhh...stop crying, I can't see your tears." He replied while touching my cheeks, wiping my tears with his thumb finger, and immediately crashed his lips possessively on mine. After a few minutes, he touched his forehead to mine and said, "Okay, I will. But before that, tell me you are MINE. I gulped and replied, "I'm yours." He kissed my forehead and said, "Is it difficult to say I'm yours? See what you made me do? I hate threatening you. you make me do bad things." He immediately took his phone to his right ear and said, "Don't kill him." and cut the call. "Next time, Don't test my patience and do as I say," Czar said. I pushed him away and ran in the other direction. -------------------------------- 7 pm, At my room, while relaxing on the couch thinking about today's events that happened between me and Czar. What is his problem? Why he always keeps bugging me? Does he really love me? Does he think it's just infatuation or obsession? or he thinks of me as one of his w****s? I don't know what to do. Suddenly, my bedroom door started knocking. I said, "Come in." Lisa stepped in and asked, "Hey where have you been? I called and texted you many times. You didn't respond to any of my calls or texts. What happened? Are you alright?" Without giving any answer to her. I started crying. "ssshhh...stop crying and tell me." She said while hugging me tightly. "What did Czar say or did to you?" "He threatened me If I'm not his. He will kill my brothers." I replied still crying. "What? Did he say that? I can't believe him." She asked. "Yes, He said it," I replied. "Siena, He is blackmailing you, it's better to tell uncle and your brothers." She said. "No, I cannot. I can't get them involved in this matter. He will kill them." I replied scaredly. "I can't...I can't." "Okay, Okay, sssshhh... Stop crying, Siena. you're my strong girl and I'm with you in this." She said. "Lisa, he kissed me again. But this time the kiss was different. Possessively he kissed me." I said while wiping my tears on my both cheeks. "Siena, calm down. Everything will be fine. Come let's have dinner. You didn't even have lunch." she said. "Wait, Let me wash my face. I replied while standing up and headed towards my bathroom. I washed my face and wiped with a towel and stepped out of the bathroom, headed downstairs to the dining area with Lisa to have dinner.
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