Chapter 9-1

2003 Words

Chapter 9 Concordia checked her reflection in the mirror as she reached for yet another hairpin. Drat this hair. Although she had long ago accepted that the bright-red tint would never deepen to a more fashionable auburn, its thickness and stubborn waves consigned her to madly pinning its bulk into place. The result lasted all of an hour before she had to re-work the pins. She tried to sigh, but the effect was mitigated by the tight bodice of her emerald silk. Dinner that evening was to be a formal affair, as the Dunwicks had invited several local personages to join them. Since the incident with Wynderhane yesterday, she had managed to keep clear of his company. There was no avoiding him now. Perhaps it was just as well. She would have to face him sooner or later. He was bound to be on h

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