Chapter 22 “Sister?” Concordia repeated blankly. He grimaced. “I never speak of her. She was rather…difficult. Stubborn, impetuous. Even as a child. She refused to conform to the proper behavior expected of the women in our family. Frequently got into scrapes and then tried to spin some falsehood to avoid getting into trouble.” He glanced over at his wife, who nodded to him to continue on. “As she grew to adulthood, her nature did not improve. I caught her in male company, unchaperoned, more than once. We could see the ruin she was heading towards but were powerless to stop it, short of locking her away. And her ruin came soon enough.” He folded his arms. “She stole cash and jewels from the house and eloped with a two-bit card sharp with so many aliases we never knew what his background