Chapter 37

1825 Words

Alex Alex and Gabe met Lou in 1994 in a market while he was waiting to meet with someone. As Alex later learned, Lou had been waiting for Nora. Lou had been leaning leisurely against a wall nonchalantly. Not drawing too much attention, not standing out. He blended in very well. It’s what made him the perfect predator in a place full of humans. After Alex and Gabe nearly killed him, Lou explained himself. Didn’t prey on humans. Took donations. Had a few humans that even gave up their blood to him willingly. It was the first either had heard of the lifestyle, but he offered to help search for the being they were looking for. Small world, apparently. Lou either knowingly never gave up Nora or didn’t really know how to search for what Alex described as an overpowering presence. It did

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