Chapter 11

1964 Words

Nora POV   I like to think that I can be reasonable. Maybe even to a fault. Sure, thunder and lightning can follow me as I go, but I can’t control my feelings around stupid stuff.   Stuff like this.   “Eden!”   The garden was empty, so I made my way inside. She’s around here somewhere.   “Eden come out and face me like the goddess I know you are!”   Finally, she calls out from one of her rooms. One I’ve never been in. It’s always dark. Just darkness. It had to be the theme. I can’t see anything other than those moon eyes and the stars in her skin. But even the stars are largely swallowed by the black hole. Oh, maybe that's the theme. Black hole. Maybe she just wants to disappear. Too. f*****g. Bad.   “I need to see you,” I demand. “Turn the lights on.”   “I can’t do that i

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