Chapter 21

1301 Words

Alex   Nora fell asleep tucked into his chest where she belonged. He kept waiting for the call. That Orion or Evander woke from another nightmare, but the usual time passed and nothing.   Maybe Anya truly was better at this than they were if they didn’t have any trouble.   Apart from Nora’s light breathing and Phoenix’s claws scraping against the floor while he chased demons in his sleep, the house was silent.   It took a while to realize Gabe never returned.    He snuck out just after they got back and never ended up coming back. Through his screaming and rage fits after Katelyn left, he did make it clear he wasn’t going after her. That he wasn’t going to chase her down.   Seems it was only a matter of time if he’s already gone so close to them having to leave to get Katelyn’s

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