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They finally came to a stop as they got off the elevator. They were ushered to the waiting room as she was informed that he had been wheeled into surgery. Shortly after, Maggie joined them in the waiting room. She looked at James with confusion but didn't say anything. The hospital waiting room felt suffocatingly tense as Lily sat sandwiched between James and her cousin Maggie. Her father had been urgently wheeled into surgery, and now all they could do was anxiously await an update. Maggie kept shooting furtive, confused glances between Lily and the intimidatingly wealthy-looking James Watson, trying to keep her cool. For his part, James simply held Lily's hand in a reassuring grip, his presence remarkably calming despite the chaos. After what felt like an eternity, a haggard-looking doctor in scrubs entered and made a beeline for them. "Family of Michael Walker?" They all rose to their feet expectantly as the doctor clasped his hands grimly. "I'll be direct with you. Your father's condition is extremely precarious right now. We've done everything we can to stabilize him after the major cardiovascular trauma, but...the next 24 hours will be critical. I'd advise having the rest of your family come to the hospital to prepare for..." His voice trailed off, not needing to finish the implication. The bottom fell out of Lily's world in that instant. "No...oh God, please," she choked out between wracking sobs, crumpling against James. He swiftly pulled her into his sturdy embrace, allowing her to weep against his chest. Maggie fell back on the chair, speechless. "We'll have our best people attending to Mr. Walker around the clock," James murmured, his deep voice radiating stoic reassurance. "Whatever you and your family need, it's my utmost priority right now." Lily simply nodded weakly, overwhelmed by the fragility of her father's life hanging so precariously right now. Over James' shoulder, she saw Maggie's tear-streaked face twist in confusion. "I'm so sorry, Lil...but who is this guy?" But Lily ignored her question. Later, after being shown to Michael Walker's private ICCU suite, James had excused himself to make some urgent phone calls and arrangements. That's when Maggie seized the opportunity to demand answers. "Spill, because..." she said in a harsh whisper, fixing Lily with an intent stare. "What is going on with that guy? And more importantly, what happened to Ryan and your wedding this weekend? You guys didn't show up!" Lily felt hot shame creeping up her neck as she recounted every mortifying detail of her fateful drunken escapade after catching Ryan's betrayal. Maggie's eyes grew progressively wider throughout the sordid tale, culminating in Lily's spontaneous marriage to James and the relentless social fallout so far. "Wow....just...wow Lily," Maggie finally exhaled once she'd finished. "I can't decide if that's certifiably insane or lowkey iconic as hell Damn!" Despite the heaviness shrouding their family crisis, Lily managed a watery smile at her cousin's blunt humor. "Yeah well, if you had told me a week ago that some random billionaire would be treating me like a wife and helicoptering around Dad's hospital room, I would've had you arrested!" "Speaking of which..." Maggie's expression turned serious again as she watched James stride toward them with determined purpose. "Lily, I hate to pull you away, but we have an urgent legal situation requiring your presence," he said in a low, intense murmur. She opened her mouth to protest, but James gently cupped her face in his large hand - the gesture startlingly intimate. "I promise you'll be back before anything changes about your father's condition," he said softly yet insistently. "But we need to present a united front right now if we want to neutralize this threat from Chloe's family... legally" Nodding faintly, Lily turned back to give Maggie's shoulder a reassuring squeeze before allowing James to lead her briskly out of the hospital's rear entrance. To her surprise, Louis was parked in a sleek black sedan with the engine running, clearly on standby for a quick getaway. He stared resolutely at the road ahead, not even sparing a sidelong glance as they climbed into the backseat together. "What's going on?" Lily asked anxiously once they'd peeled away into the city. James reached into his suit jacket and produced a manilla file folder, passing it to her with a grim look. "See for yourself. They've managed to get an emergency ex parte hearing scheduled with a civil judge to dissolve our marriage." Lily felt her heart seize up as her trembling hands opened the folder. It was filled with documented readouts from Chloe's legal team, backed by affidavits alleging everything from fraud to criminal charges against Lily based on her behavior the night of the drunken wedding. They were being accused of faking their entire marriage as a vengeful scheme. And according to the paperwork, this bogus hearing was set to begin in less than an hour! "But...but this is madness!" Lily spluttered in dismay. "How are we supposed to even prepare when my father's quite literally on his deathbed?" "Believe me, I'm well aware of the situation," James said in a hard tone. He placed his hand atop hers, gently but insistently closing the folder. "Which is why I'm bringing my own...secret weapon to the proceedings." "Secret weapon?" she gave a questioning face Lily eyed him anxiously as the car switched on and off various side streets, clearly employing evasive driving maneuvers. Just what did her new billionaire husband have up his sleeve? Sooner than expected, the vehicle rolled to a stop in a secluded back alleyway of an nondescript office park. Just when they had stepped out, a stretch limo suddenly stopped around the corner, screeching to a halt in front of them. The back window glided down, revealing a wizened older woman with a stern expression and perfectly coiffed silver hair. Lily felt herself instinctively stand upright under her piercing, scrutinizing gaze. "James Watson, what fresh scandal have you embroiled my family legacy in now?" she demanded in a crisp British lilt. James didn't show any reaction. "Good afternoon to you too, Granny Daphne. We don't have time for your usual harrumphing, I'm afraid." "He took a deep breath before pulling the courthouse folder from Lily's hands and presenting it through the limo's window. "I need you to testify on our behalf at an emergency dissolution hearing in 40 minutes. As usual...the Adams shrews are overplaying their hand." The imperious old woman accepted the folder slowly, arching one incredulous eyebrow as she scanned its contents. Her steely eyes flicked up to land squarely on Lily. "I see...an unconventional bride indeed," she murmured in a tone laced with caustic amusement. "Well, nothing quite whets my appetite like a vicious society skirmish. Proceed, James, let's see if this latest scandal proves...memorable." With that, the limo window sealed shut once more, leaving a grim-faced James exhaling heavily. Lily watched with bewildered trepidation as he turned to meet her wide-eyed gaze. "My apologies, darling. But when conducting battle amidst the viper's nest of high society...and by the way, that's my Grandmother". He offered her a sardonic smile as they headed for the courthouse entrance. "One simply must hoist the grande dames by their own petards."
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