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Chapter 9 Lily took a deep breath as she strode out of the hospital, her thoughts racing with the sports that had simply unfolded. Chloe's despicable threats weighed heavily on her, but she knew that she had to put an end to this as soon as all. she was filled with tension throughout the ride to the press conference. So many things ran through her mind. She wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing or not, but she knew that she had to do something. As she stepped out of the car, she ended up greeted by a swarm of newshounds and paparazzi, their cameras flashing and microphones thrust in her face. Squaring her shoulders, Lily raised a hand to quiet the cacophony. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here in recent times," she said, her voice clean and constant. "I recognize there has been plenty of hypothesis and rumor surrounding my marriage to James Watson, and I'm right here to set the document immediately." She paused, collecting her thoughts. "It's real that our wedding ceremony became...Unorthodox, to say the least. But I can guarantee you that our marriage may be very an awful lot real and binding. James and I are committed to every difference, and we're capable of no longer being deterred with the resource of the tries of others to rip us aside." A reporter in the lower back raised his hand. "Mrs. Watson, what about the allegations made via Chloe Adams concerning your beyond? Can you touch upon that?" Lily felt her stomach twist, but she refused to expose any outward sign of her ache. "I'm aware of the claims Ms. Adams has made, and I can guarantee you that they are not anything other than malicious lies. I do not have something to cover, and I will no longer be blackmailed or bullied by absolutely everyone." Another reporter piped up, "But Mrs. Watson, it is suspicious that you've been so quick to protect your marriage? Some are speculating that this is all handiest an exposure stunt." Lily shook her head emphatically. "This isn't an exposure stunt, and I resent the implication. My marriage to James is a deeply private and vital part of my life, and I won't allow everybody to decrease that." She scanned the gang, her gaze steely. "Now, if you may excuse me, I even have some unfinished business to attend to." With that, Lily took a deep breath and made her way through the crowd, ignoring the barrage of questions being thrown at her as she left. As she walked, she observed Louis's status off to the facet, a grim expression on his face. "Louis, I want you to get me in touch with Chloe," Lily said, her voice low however pressing. Louis hesitated, his forehead furrowed. "Lily, I'm no longer sure it virtually is the exceptional concept. Chloe is-" "I no longer care what you observed, Louis," Lily interrupted, her eyes flashing with determination. "I want to confront her, and I need to do it now. Can you make it happen or not?" Louis sighed, running his hand on his hair. "Alright, thoroughly. I'll see what I can do. But Lily, be careful, okay? Chloe is dangerous, and I do not want you to get caught in the crossfire." Lily nodded, her expression softening slightly. "I respect your scenario, Louis. But I've got to try this. For my family, for James, and for myself." With that, Lily turned and made her way to the auto parking area, her mind targeted on the mission beforehand. As she slid into the back of the wheel of her automobile, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension. Chloe was a powerful opponent, and Lily knew that she had to do something to obtain her dreams. But Lily became completed jogging. She modified into performing letting Chloe's schemes dictate her lifestyle. It was time to take the combat to the enemy, and she became more than equipped. With a deep breath, Lily started out of the auto and pulled out of the car parking zone, her eyes constantly firmly on the street in advance. She knew that the disagreement with Chloe could be intense, but she changed into determined to come out on top. As she drove, Lily's phone suddenly commenced to ring. Glancing down, she noticed Maggie's name on the caller ID. "Maggie, what's up?" Lily replied, her voice tight with tension. "Lily, where exactly are you?" Maggie's voice was frantic, and Lily could hear the fear in her tone. "I'm on my way to confront Chloe," Lily spoke back, her grip tightening on the guidance wheel. "I cannot allow her to break out with this, Mag." "Lily, you can't stop her by myself!" Maggie exclaimed. "James is on his way, he is going to help you there. Just wait for him, please!" Lily hesitated, her thoughts racing. She knew that Maggie was right, that she should not be going to meet Chloe by herself. But the thought of Chloe's threats placed over her, of the possibility of her circle of relatives being damaged, turned into an excessive amount to undergo. "I can't, Maggie," Lily said, her voice slightly above a whisper. "I ought to do this." "Lily, no! It's too volatile, please-" But Lily had already ended the call, her focus totally on the road earlier. She knew that Maggie and James had been likely livid collectively with her, but she could not carry herself to turn again. She had to end this, as quickly as possible. The vehicle smashed through the railing, plunging down into the icy waters beneath. Lily cried out as she felt the arena spin spherical her, after which everything went black. In the aftermath, the data have become full of evaluations of Lily's accident. The vehicle had crashed through the bridge railing and plunged into the river beneath. Lily's body had not been positioned, and the government was looking frantically for any signal of her.
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