2002 Words

CHAPTER EIGHT On Sunday morning, a dim light filtered into the room through the open curtains. Drake rose on his elbows and stared out the arched window. The dark skies matched the storm brewing inside him. He hadn’t slept well. Okay, he’d slept little, if at all. The reason—Chaney Sullivan. In less than twenty-four hours, she’d wormed her way under his skin. Something no other woman had managed to do in a very long time. If ever. Just friends. Yet, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. She captivated him. He wanted to see her again. This morning, if possible. Another man should have staked a claim years ago. Not that Drake would. A relationship didn’t interest him. Nor did he want a girlfriend. Chaney wouldn’t settle for anything less. Well, I don’t plan on settling down anytime

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