2749 Words

CHAPTER THREE Undress him? Chaney’s heart pounded in her ears. Surely she misunderstood. “You want me to...” “Help me out of this armor,” Drake finished for her. “I don’t know where Russell ran off to, and you’re the only one left.” She glanced around the drawing room, now deserted. Where had everyone gone? The place had been bustling with activity a few minutes ago. An expectant look in his brown eyes, Drake stared at her. Face it. Gemma wouldn’t think twice about helping him. Neither should Chaney. He’d made a reasonable request, and she was acting as if he’d asked her to spend the night. Sure, the man oozed sensuality, but just because he’d wanted her once didn’t mean he wanted her now. Time to stop overreacting and do her job. She straightened. “What do you want me to do first?

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