The Capital

904 Words

Geo and Thedis are recieved by the ChiefGuard.The ChiefGuard looks at George. "I would want to know how an exiled young warrior became the governor of one of the most famous state in the whole"says The ChiefGuard. "I wouldn't have if you wouldn't have chained me Ser"says George. "He is the governor of the east Ser Agor,Please bow to him.You are welcome your grace .Please forgive Ser Agor for he doesn't know the East"says Draxes. "The honor is mine to see the two famous men in the west.One believed to be the wisest men in the whole and the other the best warrior the whole has ever seen"says Geo. Geo and Thedis enter the Black Castle in the Ministers chamber. "I heard you defeated Verax.He was one of the best fighters in the west.Some say you are the best swordsman in both the continen

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