The Culprits, Justice and Shame

1986 Words

George is with Athena at her chambers. "Looks like we have 6 days until the king comes back" says Athena as she kisses George. "I know but we still have more than 200 prisoners to do Justice. You know the immature king. He might execute half of them. I don't want people dying for stealing oranges" says George. "May be you can ask the war minister to select the stealers and punish them according to their crime as you did with the man who served oranges. I heard his wounds have healed." says Athena. "I'll tell the war minister early at dawn tomorrow. But what about violence. What should I do to those" says Geo. "You ll have to ask them one by one .Them only you will do Justice" says George. George goes to the War Minister Chambers. "Your grace" says The War Minister who couldn't bow t

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