War Council

550 Words

George looks from his castle as he sees Rhaga and Chaga train the recruits. He sees Gared training the 12 warriors he thinks can make a good army . He has already sent the message to Nog and also to the advisor separately. Kulos brings two women into his chambers. "I thought this would lighten you up" says Kulos. "May be the wine might." says Geo as he pours the wine into his goblet. George summons the war council. He along with spymaster, Gared, Executioner, Raga, Chaga and two of the new Recruits form the war council. "Your grace this is Willem Greyta .He was the cavalry chief of Idleton until he was exiled for treason . He trained the horsemen in Vixon and now he is here, still only 30 he is at his prime and can train the horsemen recruits." says Rhaga. "And this is Greg Forn, he

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