Justice is Served

1401 Words

George returns to Idleton with Farak.He is hugged by Kulos and welcomed by Ser Forn.Even Maelor was a follower of Forn. "Remember Commander,When I said there are only 3 soldiers who can beat me,I involved him too.Its an honour to have you here Ser"says Maelor. "I am an exiled knight Ser.I only come here for the Leader George Barrett's."says Ser Forn. "That's a caste of Blacksmith and Masons.Shame he is a governor.What are you doing at the east building houses and weapons."says Maelor as he laughs. "So you'll be the Baron of Perseus then Ser.But he's our Governor.He has earned respect from all of us."says Forn. "I wonder why the Baron didn't ask for Farak to wed him.May be you will do well with a traitor Ser Maelor"says George as he stares him. "I hope one day we will find out if you

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