The end of an Era

542 Words
George sees the 30 cavalry Blue Mimosan chasing the Black hounds. One of the 50 hounds biggest of them all, Almost as big as a tiger, jumps high as he kills one of the rider as it breaks his neck. George is surprised to see the bravery of the single hound. Black death as he was called by the Forsberry soldiers. All the people around the port gather to see the sight. George takes his bow and fires an arrow to the big hound.The hound could sense the arrow even when it was not looking as he dodges as he runs towards George.3 of the mimosans come in front of him. "No"cries George as the beast kills the three ripping their heads and mouths in an instant. The Beast leaps at George as he shoots an arrow. The Beast falls as he leaps. George's razor sharp arrow pierces the hounds mouth .Its tongue is cut open by the arrow. But the beast survives.The beast looks back to see all of the other hounds killed by spears. He is the only one left as he bows down to George accepting whatever punishment he would give. The remaining Blue Mimosan look at the wounded Beast as to what to do with him. They look at George to make the decision. The people sing "Hail Ser George, the Lion tamer and the beast slayer". "It's a too fine creature to be killed." says Geo as He pulls the arrow out of the dog's tongue. "You have to take it to the healer. His tongue needs to be cut full. He can be your pet........Lion Tamer" says The Veteran Blue Mimosan. "He won't bite now....take your 5 men. They can carry it. This beast shouldn't be killed unless it attacks any of you again" says George. "Aye Captain ...."says one of the Blue Mimosan in Forsberry tongue. "Lion Tamer that's a nice name. What will be your lions name." asks the Veteran Mimosan. "It will stay as he is called. Its bravery speaks its name . It was protecting its brother. But it smelled that what we did was right which is why it bowed to you, it's master" says one of the Portsman who heard their conversation. "So be it. When the beast recovers we will leave the city. We have other glory to look up to" says George. "What kind of captain?" asks one of the purple men. "You will take the lead of these men o veteran. I will have to go to Hayarth for few weeks." says George. "Lead !Commander. You won't go to the Baron" says The veteran. "You will lead in my stead. You will take these men back to Idleton after that. I will meet you there." says George. "As you wish captain. We will take care of your hound" says the veteran as he takes the mercenaries to the Castle of the Forsberry Baron to take the rewards. As he looks back a soldier comes running towards him and shouts "Commander The king! He is no more. The Minister Draxes demands a presence of all the lords and knights as well as the titled Mercenaries at once". George goes back to his men and gives them the command.  
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