Heart in her mouth!!

1725 Words
********** "W..what are you doing? Move!" Edzell wanted to sound stern, but the closeness, his hard chest, and hot breath made her voice low. "How can I leave you so easily when you dumped me after our steamy night?" Dylan asked with a Smirk. Glaring at him, Edzell said, "You!! You literally abducted me from my wedding. How dare you punish me here!!" Dylan couldn't but Chuckle after hearing her. Edzell became angrier after seeing him laughing at her. She immediately hit him on his shoulder and said, "You..you leave me. I will go back." "You can't go anywhere other than me, Amore," Dylan said and tucked her hair From her face to behind her ear. "But, why?" Edzell asked. "Because already all of my enemies got to know that me, the Dylan Anderson, abducted a bride from her wedding, so now they all are eager to see the face of that woman who took my attention," Dylan said. Edzell just blinked her eyes in confusion. "Huh? I have enemies??" Dylan nodded his head while controlling his smile after seeing her confused face, which looked damn cute. "But I didn't tell you to abduct me here! How can I have enemies? That's unfair!!" Edzell said and immediately pushed Dylan aside as she sat on the bed. "I had to Abduct you because they already got to know about you when you left my hotel room," Dylan explained. "But that's not my mistake! You should handle the matter." Edzell said In a complained tone. Dylan smiled and said, "I've already handled the matter." Edzell's eyes immediately tightened up, "Really? How?" "I've already abducted you here with me. Now no one can reach to you or hurt you." Dylan said and immediately ran out of the room became he could imagine the next scene. Edzell's eyes went wide as she realised what he meant! She stood up and furiously shouted, "Dylan, YOU BAS*TARD!!!!" At downstairs Nick chock on his water after hearing the loud curse ringing around the mansion. "What the s**t was that!!" Nick asked his brother, who was walking downstairs with a mysterious smile. "Nothing, just a wild cat," Dylan said and took the water bottle from his hand. Nick's eyebrows squirted; Wild Cat? How can a cat enter here? Nick was lost in his thoughts when suddenly he heard another roar from upstairs as he noticed a fine beautiful figure which was looking no less than Angry Bird!! "Dylan Anderson, I dare you to repeat what you said! You Fu*king kidnapped me and now saying you saved me!! You! Just take me back to my home!" Edzell said and ran downstairs towards Dylan. Nick kept staring at her with an awestruck expression. Never in his life, he thought he would see any GIRL at this mansion! "Amore, I already said, once one enters in this mansion, only his dead body can leave from here, and I'm not that cruel to kill you after your MIND-BLOWING SERVICE!" Dylan said the service word with deep meaning, which Edzell didn't take a second to understand. Even though she was damn mad at him but his words immediately turned her cheeks red. "W..wait a minute, who is she? How come a girl is here!!" Nick asked his elder brother. "You can ask her who she is, and about the second question, I can only tell you that she's going to live with us from towards onwards. I have a meeting to attend with Martin, so she's under your care now. Show her the whole house and get along with each other but, of course, not too closely." Dylan told Nick, who was still in shock. Dylan walked towards Edzell, who was eating him with her eyes; he went near her ear and whispered, "Take some rest now, Amore. Because I'm eagerly waiting for your SERVICE of tonight." With that, he kissed her ear and walked away. Nick and Edzell both were shocked and hella surprised. Nick: Is it really my aloof brother?? Edzell: Did he just kiss me!! Nick turned towards Edzell and checked her out from head to toe. Indeed she was heavenly beautiful but was it the reason his brother got a girl at their home? Even Edzell noticed Nick's gaze on her, "What? What are you looking at? Trust me, I can make two parts of your head in a minute! I'm at the 6th level of taekwondo!!" Nick chuckled after hearing her. Indeed she is different from those bimbos! "So you've been kidnapped by my brother? Aren't you scared? Don't you think you should cry by thinking about what he'll do with you now? He can even KILL YOU!" Nick said. Edzell scoffed and said, "If he really wanted to kill me, he won't bother to kidnap me Infront of hundreds of eyes!" Nick was impressed by her boldness. She looked like a match for his brother. "You're really bold!' Nick couldn't help but say. "You wanna try?" Edzell said with a hard, stern gaze. Nick gulped and immediately shook his head, "I don't dare. I don't want you to chop my head out. I'm just a baby!!" He pouted his lips like a baby. Edzell sneered and said, "Ew, That's not very cute of you!" Nick was surprised. This is the first time when someone insulted him on his face other than his brother. 'Sob* why I'm feeling that they both will bully me now!' Nick thought and cried in his mind. "By the way, since we're going to live together, let's introduce each other. Hi, I'm Nick. I'm 23 years old." Nick said. "Well, I don't think I can live here, but still, I'm Edzell," Edzell said. "Age?" Nick asked again. Edzell rolled her eyes at him and said, "21." "21? How come you're younger than me!" Nick said. He likes to be the youngest. Edzell smiled and said, "If you want, you can call me ELDER SISTER OR SISSY!" Nick immediately glared at her. Why would he call her elder sister? Scoff** Finally, after their little chit-chat, Nick gave a house tour to Edzell. "Is it your house or any museum? Gosh! My legs are dying!" Edzell said and fell on the couch. "Well, you only saw the west side. The other side is left to see!" Nick said while Edzell moved her head in the air as no and said, "No need. I'm alright, damn tired. I don't want to see your house any longer. Spare me." ............. "What's the update?" Dylan asked coldly. The softness of his body flew away as soon as he stepped out of his house. Martin sat in front of him and said, "Everyone already got to know about her. In fact, everyone is digging out her whole past and present to reach you." Dylan's eyes turned dead dark after hearing Martin. 'Looks like they love to court their death!' Dylan thought and gritted his teeth. Martin noticed the stern face of Dylan. Martin Smirked after seeing his face, "It's so fascinating to see you looking like this. Like a beast hunting down the wolfs for trying to harm your Girl!" Dylan didn't say anything. He looked toward Martin and said, "If I remember correctly, you were supposed to stay with me that day in the club; how come I didn't see you?" And instantly, Martin's smile froze while Dylan's Smirk widened. "Looks like you also had a great night. Keep it up!" Dylan patted his shoulder and walked out while laughing. "Damn!" Martin cursed under his breath. Indeed he had a great night that day, but how can he tell Dylan that he can't even find that girl who literally left money on the bed after spending the night with him like he was any GIGOLO!!! "Just let me find you once, I will show you who I am!!" Martin murmured in anger and punched the table. ............ Edzell was alone in her room. Finally, Nick left her side after two hours of continuous talking. "Will I die if I jump out from here?" Edzell murmured as she looked down from her balcony. Her room was on the second floor. Edzell looked left and right, she didn't see any guard. "Is it a sign from God for me to escape from here?" Edzell thought and smiled. Immediately she made a rope with three of her towels and instantly jumped out from the balcony with the help of her rope. "That's it, Edzell; now you just need to run." She told herself and started walking towards a tiny gate while was a back gate. To her good luck, the guard on duty went to the washroom when she sneaked out of the mansion. "Damn! It was easy!!" Edzell thought as she ran out of the mansion. She was running in the middle of a empty cold road. It was almost evening, so the sky was already getting dark. Edzell was running faster just to escape from Dylan's area, but she was too naive to think that she would find anyone else in the whole area, which was big enough to be a city! Even after almost twenty minutes, she was running in the middle of the road in the dark when suddenly her leg got hit by a stone, and with a scream, she fell on the road, "Aghh." Edzell held her leg, but even before she could take a proper look at her leg, she noticed a car coming toward her. And instantly, her face brightened by thinking she could take help from someone. "Help! Here.." she raised her hand to stop the car, and the car stopped in front of her. Finally, Edzell smiled in relief and thought to get out of the hell now. But soon enough, her hand and smile both froze after seeing the person. Her whole body shivered, and her heart was in her mouth after seeing his dark, cold eyes. Edzell gulped in fear and murmured, "D..Dylan!!!" Authors note Hello my lovelies... Finally I’m back!! This book will get daily updates from today onwards so I’m eagerly waiting to see who is with me on my new Journey ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠ I hope you guys will leave your precious reviews after reading this chapter❤️
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