Make you beg under me

1484 Words
********* Edzell's Pov "You bloody bas*ard, open the door!" I shouted as I walked near the door. I'm hella furious with that bastard who dared to Abduct me here. I twisted the door nob, and surprisingly the door opened. I was glad that now I could run far, far away from this place which I didn't even know. I walked outside of my room with a wide mouth. "This is any house or a palace!!" My mind screamed after seeing the house. I don't even know what it is, but I can say this thing for sure, I have never seen such a beautiful mansion like this before! Even though my dad is a very renowned man in Italy but our mansion is nothing in front of it. 'Get back on your senses, Edzell! You can't droll over his house or whatever it is! You need to fu*king get out of it!" Again my mind scolded me as I started walking and looking for a door. And it's been over fifteen minutes since I am just wandering around the house, but I didn't find a single door other than a few rooms. Finally, I came downstairs, and I was about to run toward the door. A huge smile bloomed on my face when I found the door. But suddenly, my eyes caught a scene outside of the mansion, which I can roughly guess was a garden. My eyebrows squirted as I noticed a man sitting on his knees with his hands behind. He was crying bitterly and saying something to the person who was in front of him. I couldn't see the faces correctly, but the scene, blew away my mind as my breath hitched when I noticed the guy who Abducted me had just slicked off the head of the man who was on his knees without even blinking his eyes!! And his blood was spread around the whole place. I was literally shocked and started trembling in a fear..H..he is not any Normal guy! He is a FUC*ING KILLER!! OR A CRIMINAL!! I felt my breathing getting heavy and unsteady after seeing the lifeless, bloody body on the ground. I wanted to run so fast and hide myself from him, but my legs didn't support me because it was rooted on the spot! Seeing the blood, I felt nauseous. I covered my mouth with my hand; otherwise I would've puked my guts out on the spot! Even my heart was pounding rapidly, and suddenly I felt his dark pitch black eyes on me, even I could see that he was also surprised by seeing me, but I was scared. Without seeing left or right, I ran inside of the house. I didn't know where I was going, but I wanted to hide away from him. I can't face him. And I don't know how but again I reached in front of that same room where I was! I immediately entered the room and locked the door as I walked towards the other corner of the door and sat on the floor with my head on my knees. I was literally shivering and taking long breaths to make my breathing steady, but that was not helping at all! I again got my panic attack. Shit! I don't even have my Medicine here! I remember being Abducted here, so how can I have my Medicine? Soon enough, I felt my eyes Vision getting blurry, and I knew I was about to face my worse nightmare. I always get panic attacks whenever I see blood. And it's not something new or something which I was born with. I started getting panic attacks after the accident of my Mom. Yes, from the moment I saw her body which was full of blood and wounds, I started getting this panic attacks. Thankfully my dad was kind enough to show me a doctor. The doctor told me that it's related to my life, so there's no cure for it, but he gave me medicine to control the panic attacks. In fact, he warned me to take medicine on time or else I could lose my life. I held my chest tightly because I was struggling to breathe, and soon enough the darkness surrounded me, and I fell to the ground, but even before I could lose my consciousness, I heard the sound of the door nob. .......... I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me. Suddenly I noticed a dark figure was sitting at the edge of my room. Even though the room was quite dark but I didn't take a second extra to recognize him. My eyes got stuck into his black eyes, and he was also looking at me curiously. And then I remembered that what I saw, I immediately went away from him to the other side of my bed because I was deadly scared of him. I could feel my eyes turning teary. I wanted to run away from him, but I could feel my body was so weak that I could barely move a feet. "Stop there!" His cold voice made me shiver to my core, but still I kept pushing myself back until I felt the top of the bed. "Don't move, your hand is attacked with IV Drip!" This time his voice was louder and colder, so I immediately stopped moving as I noticed him walking towards me, "P.. please don't hurt me..I..I swear I didn't saw anything!" I said immediately, but instead of stopping on his track, he chuckled after hearing me as if I cracked a joke or something.. Here I'm taking a shower in my own sweat, and he's laughing. I really wanted to smash his head, but I can't even dare to say that because, of course, I don't want to die! "Don't worry, Amore. I don't bite my Cat.." he said in his heavy, husky tone as he walked near me. I wanted to run to the other corner but I froze in my position after hearing his following words, "DON'T YOU DARE TO MOVE! OR ELSE I WILL CHAIN YOUR WHOLE BODY AND MAKE YOU BEG UNDER ME IN THE BED!" And I looked at him in horror. Is he being real? Where the fu*k did I get stuck!! I was cursing my luck and him, but I didn't move an Ince because his warnings were more dangerous than anything! He smirked and sat in front of me. I glared at him while he chuckled and said, "Amore, if you keep staring at me with your seductive eyes, I won't be able to control myself from taking you here." And immediately, I moved my eyes away from him. "How're you feeling? Are you feeling pain?" He asked me gently. Yes, gently. This was the first time I heard his gentle tone, and I must say, it was more attractive than his husky tone. "I..I want to go back to my home.." I slowly murmured without looking at him because his eyes might not let me even speak a word because every time, his eyes make my words stuck in my throat. "You are in your home," he said, and this time I couldn't help but look at him. "What do you mean by my home? Look, I know we had S..S*X that night, but it was a mistake, ok? I was drunk, so you are, I guess. And I don't know why you Abducted me here because I'm not any w***e who'll sleep with you every time! So please, take me back to my home!" I said with my squirted eyebrows and stern tone. His expression didn't change a bit! He was looking at me as I didn't say anything! He kept staring at me for a few seconds until he said casually, "Do you think you're in any position to order me?" I blinked my eyes a few times like a clueless fool while he continued, "You like it or not, but Since the second you came into my life, You came MINE & now, you have no right to LEAVE ME! Get these simple words in your tiny head!" He said and stood up as he started walking towards the door, but I couldn't let him leave me here caged! With all my strength, I stood up and ran towards him as I shouted furiously, "You jerk! I will not live with you! Take me back to my family!!" And I looked at him while breathing heavily. And then I noticed his eyes which turned cold like dead now. Shit! I'm dead.. I understood that I had dug my own grave. I was about to turn back and return back to my bed, but before I could react, he dragged me towards the nearest wall and slammed my back against the cold wall as he pinned my hands above my head. ........
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