A Moment

1989 Words
"Mr. Black, welcome to the Oasis. If you could follow me this way, please." Mona almost stumbled when she felt David's hand pressed on the small of her back. "What is he doing?" After coffee and the lengthy silence that ensued after they exited the coffee shop, she was finally able to enjoy some space between them after sitting too close to him and was just fine trailing him as they walked into the fancy hotel, but it seemed he wasn't about to let her enjoy that freedom. She paused and turned to him with every intention to protest, but that touch dug deeper before she could get a word out. And it might have been a long time since anyone had caressed her back, but she would know a caress from anywhere. Why would he? "Sir?" "We don't have all day!" She was sure he meant to whisper yell, but her ears tingled at the husky sound that reached them and she hated how aware of him she suddenly was. Mouth suddenly dry and not waiting to be told twice, she got moving, following whoever that was that had received them at the reception area. It was a little difficult. Difficult being an understatement, but she figured she just had to hold on until they got to wherever this meeting was being held. The trip turned out to be super long because obviously the Oasis was no mini hotel. And the longer it took for them to get there, the more aware she was of that hand...of him. So not what she had intended or thought her weekend would look like. Choosing to distract herself instead, she decided to occupy her mind with thoughts about the upcoming meeting and when that didn't work, her eyes opted to admire the fancy interior of the hotel, but apparently his touch proved to be a more intense distraction. "I do hope I'll be seeing more of you after this meeting. We haven't done this in so long." Was their escort flirting with her boss? Instead of being grateful for the distracting conversation, Mona arched an eyebrow at the sharply dressed girl, suddenly feeling under dressed herself and unprofessional in her flat pumps and dress. They'd just stepped into the elevator and Mona noted how conveniently the girl had ended up on David's side. The whole scenario bothered Mona and she did not know why. "I have so many ideas that I hope we can get to look at as soon as the contract is finalized. We can do it over dinner, just like always?" Like always? History… Why was Mona hating the fact that the two shared any history at all. She turned to David, wondering why he kept saying nothing too over the lady's offer and her breath hitched. His gaze was fixed on her, unwavering and intense. He'd been studying her? What did he see? Because she couldn't find any reason he would be staring at her like that, her hand flew to her face. "Is something wrong with my--" "This is Mona...Miss Myers..." His gaze stayed steady on her and for whatever reason she couldn't look away. Were they having a moment? Should they even be having a moment? Should she even call it a moment? She swallowed hard when she realized that her boss had trailed off, his statement incomplete. "Nice to meet you Mona." A hand suddenly appeared between them, breaking whatever that was. "My name is Sophie." Finally grateful for the distraction, Mona took the girl's hand. "Nice to meet you too." "Miss Myers is my new P.A and if this contract does happen, you can have that dinner with her and fill her in on all those ideas." "Your P.A?" The girl choked out, as if appalled by the very idea that she would be expected to deal with David's personal assistant. "Juliet invited her here, so she's not here just as my P.A." Mona recognized the usual flat tone her boss used when he was too infuriated to say what was really on his mind. Was it weird that this time around Mona was happy that David was somehow being possessive over her? "Oh I see." The girl gave Mona a look over as if judging her ability to do anything, against the way she was dressed and she swallowed the urge to scoff at her. "Somehow I highly doubt you'd leave the entire project in her hands though. You were always a hands-on kind of guy and if you don't mind, I'd rather save up my ideas for your ears only." His ears only? She was definitely flirting and Mona couldn't hold back anymore as she scoffed openly at the girl. "I don't suppose you'd understand." The girl wore a smug smile and Mona almost swore at her. "You are right. I don't. But only because I don't go around throwing myself at my clients." Mona couldn't wait to get out of the damn elevator. She could feel curses bubbling in her soul and she needed to get out before they spilled. Before her boss saw a side of her that even she didn't know existed. He was nothing to her, so why was she getting this urge to mark her territory with Sophie? The elevator doors dinged and opened up to the most gorgeous rooftop that made Mona jump out before she made a fool of herself. The mix of the sun rays, gentle breeze and all the floral scents from all the flowers that lined the space made for a perfect Saturday morning. "This is amazing!" She gushed as she walked over to the edge of the rooftop and stared down below. "At least one of you knows how to relax. You look absolutely beautiful my dear." With the brightest of smiles, Juliet walked up to her and drew Mona in for a surprise hug. "Doesn't she, David?" For whatever stupid reason, Mona's breath hitched awaiting his reply, but only disappointment wooshed over her when his reply was a simple grunt. "I can understand your need to be specific about your upcoming event. This place is really beautiful." Wanting to dowse her disappointment, she turned to marvel at her surroundings. She was a sucker for modern meets nature decor when it was done just right and this roof top rated pretty high on her score sheet. And because she needed to put some extra distance between her and her boss and the unexpected look he was giving her, she bent down to sniff on a few rose blooms. "It is, isn't it?" Joy coated that tiny statement from Juliet, making Mona frown at her. "I wonder why you aren't just going with the same company that did this." The words slipped out of her mouth without a second thought and she dared not look in her boss's direction, knowing he would be glaring. "Actually, I am." Juliet turned to David with a wide grin and Mona's jaw dropped. Forced to finally look his way, Mona swallowed hard at the indecipherable expression on his face. "I should have realized that only the best would do for you." It was a weak attempt at making up for the traitor she was a moment ago and if her boss would punish her for it later, he didn't hint at it. Sophie had that smug smile as if she knew something, but Mona ignored her and slipped in next to David hoping she hadn't screwed this up. "I have made my decision." Mona tensed, thinking she had really screwed up when Juliet sat down facing them, her face devoid of the smile she had donned a few seconds ago. "I want her." Juliet pointed Mona's way, surprising her. "No." Her boss's cold tone surprised her too. Wasn't this what he wanted? "It's either Black events which basically means you, her or nothing." Juliet sat back, arms folded, stating her terms of this contract. And when David refused to budge, she waved her hands in the air in exasperation. "I honestly don't want to have anything to do with this new hobby of yours, that's nothing but an excuse of a company." "Black Events is not taking in new clients." Her boss growled but Juliet merely dismissed him. "Then I guess I should look else--" "Wait. How about you get me and her?" "Explain." The woman looked pleased. "This deal goes under the excuse of a company. Mona and I handle the whole deal but she still remains my personal assistant. How does that sound?" Her name had never sounded so sweet when it rolled off his tongue and she felt herself go weak at the knees. Good thing she was seated. "I say this will be one hell of a party." The woman exclaimed. "Now, give me that." Mona handed her the folder containing the contract, surprised that the meeting was over before it even started. "You aren't going to read it?" "I trust you David, sweetheart." The woman chirped as she appended her signature, making Mona chuckle at the weird endearment for her boss. "And I'm just too happy right now to care. Sophie, bring us something to help us celebrate." The girl disappeared in a flash, making Mona think Juliet wasn't always the sweet thing she was at the moment. "I'll have all the details forwarded to your team. The earlier we--" "Will you shut up and just enjoy the view?" Juliet's stern tone confirmed Mona's suspicions. She could sting when she wanted, but it was her boss's lack of protest to that instruction that surprised her the most. David sat back and Mona had never seen him this relaxed before. "So, my dear, why don't you tell me about what led a pretty thing like you falling in love with this sort of thing." "Because nature is beautiful." A smile split Mona's lips effortlessly. Because this sort of thing, she could talk about without fearing judgment even from the worst of them. Her love for what she did ran too deep for anything or anyone to uproot. "Jeffrey, take Miss Myers home." "Home? What about you?" She sounded like a nagging wife and she blushed at the thought. They had just said their goodbyes to Juliet who was visibly reluctant to have them leave. And if Mona was being honest, she was reluctant too. The whole morning had turned out to be enjoyable, if she factored out the glares from Sophie. Juliet's personal assistant, as Mona had learned, wasn't particularly happy over the new found friendship between her and Juliet it seemed. Mona suspected that the girl hated that she was David's personal assistant too. "Make sure she gets home." Despite the care she just showed him, her boss merely glanced at her before putting his shades on and disappearing into a black sports car that was parked next to them. And without a word to her, he started the car and drove off. Did I just get used to clinch a deal and getting dumped soon after? "Jerk." She swore after him and Jeffrey's chuckle had her biting her lips. "Oops. Please don't tell him I said that." She pleaded with the driver who just made a gesture to zip his mouth and Mona decided she liked the guy. "And please you can go and do whatever you do when your boss is not around. A cab will do me just fine." "Oh, I'm sorry but I can't do that." The man looked uncomfortable. "And why is that?" "I can't go against Mr. Black." "But you aren't, I'm giving you a day off." "That is going against Mr. Black. And I really love my job." Of course it was. Mona sighed as she slipped into the car. She wasn't about to be the reason David Black waved his wand of authority that would bring misery on an innocent poor soul.
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