Chapter 29

1539 Words

Giovanni P.O.V. After I had done what I needed to do in the shower, I quickly got dressed. After using the restroom, I came out to find Megan sound sleeping on her bed. She seemed to be out for the count. I smiled at her sleeping figure. When she was sound sleeping, she always had the cutest little face. Simply staring at her made me feel at ease for no apparent reason at all. Since Megan began working at the firehouse, I have been really kicking myself in the behind each and every day. How in the world could I have been so thick as to let her leave while we were in that situation? It's possible that if we hadn't broken up she wouldn't be with Renaldo and she'd have a life that's completely normal right now. This would be the case if we were still together. I pushed every one of those id

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