14 - First Date - 2

1557 Words

-Caspien I laughed, and she frowned, grabbing it from my hand. She rolled her eyes after reading it but was smiling.  “I never said he wouldn’t get the girl. I’m just saying that he's a bit broody. But I don’t appreciate that he put ‘best’ in quotation marks.” She scoffed, popping a bottle. “Your glass selection is dismal, by the way.” I had mostly coffee mugs, a few plastic cups for Emmett, and some random mismatched glasses my mom found at a charity shop or garage sale.  “Let’s finish getting you ready.” She pushed me back towards the bathroom. “We have about five minutes before the kids smell the pizza,” she whispered the last part as we walked past Emmett’s bedroom, where they were playing.  I let her do her thing, and what I saw in the mirror was someone I didn’t recognize. Well,

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