13 - Unmasked

1834 Words

(Caspien) That meeting dragged on. What could have been dealt with in a day took almost four. It was obvious that he didn’t have the men for the job, and even though he had been Alpha for a while now, longer than I had even, he didn’t have a firm grip on his pack. It was hard to tell if he was just doing a power play or if he really was hesitant to show his hand. We would have increased patrols on our shared border anyway until he could prove himself. One more rogue getting past his men and into my territory would be the last straw, and I made myself very clear on that matter. As soon as we got back, I jumped in my car, heading off to where Willa worked, ignoring Holden teasing me. I felt anxious, and I wasn’t sure if it was because I was about to see her or because I was nervous to

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