12 - Agreements - 2

2140 Words

(Caspien) “And they want to meet now because?” My Beta, Griffin, was pacing my office.  “Because they want to pretend that they have any control, that they make the rules,” Holden, my Gamma, said. I sighed. We were after a meeting with Black Stone for months.  They weren’t part of our pack or territory but closely bordered it. I wouldn’t say we were allies, but we, well, I tried to keep the peace as much as possible.  We’ve been trying to arrange a meeting with Alpha Jasper for months regarding their slipping patrols on our borders. Rogues have been infiltrating the city, and most of this city was human. It was something that didn’t affect Black Stone but could seriously cause problems for me and the humans that lived here.  Most of our pack lived in a building in town that to everyo

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