18 - The Dracos Group - 2

1631 Words

There was one knock on his door before it flew open. I removed my hand from his in a second. “Most of the time, it's polite for people to knock and wait for a response.” Caspien's voice turned hard.  “You didn’t have any appointments.” “Come on, man, maybe he just wanted to j.ack off in peace.”  I turned around to see a tall blonde that looked like he had walked out of an ad for surfboards and a shorter but bulkier man beside him with wild dark hair and eyes that looked like obsidian pools.  “This is my Beta Griffen.” He motioned to the darker one. “And my Gamma, Holden.” The blonde flashed me a smile.  The darker one, Griffen, nodded deeply to me in a way that almost mimicked a bow. Caspien sighed behind me.  “They were just leaving-”  “Actually-” Holden started. “I’m Willa.” I s

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