29 - Iris - 2

2008 Words

“So..” Cali started, leaving it open to us after she had a generous glass of whiskey in her hands.  We were at the dining room table; I was sitting next to her with our mates across from us.  “So, you’re a human,” Holden started, and it was a question. I looked down into my glass of wine, trying not to laugh or cringe. “And I’m not; we’re not.” Holden motioned to Caspien and me. Cali looked at me as if he was insane. I shrugged.  “I don’t want to lie to you or keep things from you, and I don’t know how to do this, so I’m sorry. I’m just gonna get it out here.” Holden took a deep breath. “Werewolves can change into wolves not just on full moons, and we have control of ourselves, so we don't go crazy and kill people.” I nodded; good to add. “And we have mates chosen for us by our Moon G

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