35 - The Chosen One-1

1329 Words

(Willa) “We can talk to the council again and get more research on the previous ones,” Rendell explained, “But he is chosen. This is a huge honor for all of us and our pack. We will all be there to guide him.”  “I think we have one of those books in the pack library. We definitely have a section for that.” Grace said, standing behind her mate. “I can go check.” “I’ll do it, dear.” Rendell went to get up, but she waved him off. “No need, I’m already up.” She turned on her heel. “I’m going to go check on Emmett,” I said. I knew Grace was just up there, but I had to make sure. It seemed too good to be true. -  He was sleeping peacefully, his breath even, with no sign of fever or red cheeks. I sat next to him on the bed for a few long minutes, staring at him, memorizing this moment, and

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