17 - Orientation

2135 Words

(Willa) “Goodnight,” He brushed his lips across my knuckles. I had to f.orce myself to turn around and fumble with my keys. I felt his presence behind me as I finally unlocked the door and turned back to him. I had nothing else to say. Actually, I had a lot to say, but nothing that would even make sense. My brain was mush. “Goodnight, Caspien,” I whispered, closing the door. I leaned against it, letting the coolness calm the heat coursing through my body. “How was it?” Cali asked. I jumped, my heart pounding against my chest. “How did you-” She shrugged. “I’ve been waiting; you’re back early.” I didn’t know what time it was, honestly. “Did they go down okay?” “Really, well actually, I think they were so full it made them tired.” “Amazing, thank-” “Don’t thank me, just tel

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