36 - Drinking Buddy-1

1919 Words

(Rachel) I needed an explanation. I thought that I deserved one, at the very least. I came back home only to find out that Caspien was mated. He didn’t have the decency to even text me about it. I didn’t know what I felt—annoyed, angry, hurt? A bit of it all.  I didn’t think he would find his mate. He had been looking for a decade and had been to most packs in the area and beyond. I thought that he wouldn’t find his like I never found mine. It was the thing that bonded us.  I don’t think I loved him. How can you love someone without really knowing them? But I did love being with him. The Alpha that didn’t open up to anyone, I felt that I knew him when we were intimate, and I felt special because of that. It had been years, and as far as I knew, I was the only person he was consistentl

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