22 - New Normal

2148 Words

(Willa) “Hi,” Holden gave me a two-finger wave as soon as he opened the car door. I thanked the driver and got out. “Hi, thanks for meeting me,” I knew I sounded anxious. “He’s okay. The doctor has already come.” “Good, and?” I let the question hang. “Caspien and he haven’t burnt anything down so..” Holden shrugged. "He said he will fill you in once you get up there." Well, that was something. We walked into a large building. A bustle of activity hummed as soon as I walked in the door; it seemed like a shopping center of some sort. I was too nervous to really pay much attention. Holden led me to an elevator that was almost hidden and swiped a card and his finger. “Pretty important.” He adjusted his suit and smiled, gesturing for me to go first. I watched the city go by in a da

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