38 - Interrogation -1

2175 Words

**Some mild t.orture scenes just letting ya know** (Willa) “Willa, don’t panic.” Cali rushed out. I swallowed against the lump in my throat. Her panicked voice telling me not to panic did nothing to make me do anything but panic. “Everything is okay now, but-” “But what?” I almost shouted. My voice didn’t belong to me anymore.  “Someone attacked us, well, tried to. They came. I don’t even know how, actually, they got into our apartment, but we stopped him. If Holden wasn’t here-” Her voice broke. I tried to even my breath and think logically, despite my heart racing, threatening to beat out of my chest. “Where is everyone now?” I asked, surprised at my even voice. “They’re here, Holden has the guy, and people are on the way here to extract him or whatever fancy word they were using

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