42 - Ember - 2

1997 Words

- - - - - “Are you ready?” Caspien’s voice was severe, more so than usual. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. This is our one chance. We can’t or won’t be more prepared.”   “We could always be more prepared,” Holden said. “How very un-Holden-like of you,” Caspien said and almost smiled.  “If you want to change your mind..” Willa tugged at a piece of her shiny black hair and chewed her bottom lip.  “I don’t, and stop staring at me.” I looked at them. “All of you,” I crossed my arms.  “We’re just worried,” Willa said, averting her gaze when mine met hers, but she smiled when she did that.  “And I’m ready. Let’s do this so I can get back to werewolf s.ex.” I said. Willa snorted. "The reason for my change was to do this as soon as possible, get ahead of them. Now let me do it," I pleaded,

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